Collection System
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The collection system incentivizes players to deposit copied cards, equipment, and costumes. Accumulating more deposits provides stacked boosts to your entire account's stats and abilities.
The collection bonuses are tied to your Account ID rather than individual characters. This means every character on your account benefits from the same enhanced abilities after deposits.
In essence, building your collection offers account-wide perks. Any character you create will wield the power from your unified collection progression. So, deposit those duplicate items to permanently strengthen all your existing and future characters!
To view the available items to Deposit you can choose the See Deposit List.
Upon withdrawing the item it will remove the deposit effect as well.
Upon depositing an item, a message will appear indicating the deposit cost and the withdrawal cost. Please note that some items may be non-withdrawable. Make sure to read the details carefully before proceeding.
Introducing the Item Unlock System!
This fresh new feature offers the possibility of earning permanent, account-wide bonuses. However, the chance of unlocking each card is incredibly low.
No more storage woes if successful - the card's effects apply to all present and future characters after that ultra-rare unlock.
Use @collection command to view all the cards
The unlocked cards will appear in GREEN color in your collection storage
Chance of unlocking each normal and mvp cards : 0.50% ( Except MVP on their Respective Maps )
Chance of unlocking each mvp card on their respective maps : 10.00%
You can view card that still locked and view the benefit.
@mydepoinfo - To view Deposit Benefits.
@myunlockinfo - To view Unlocked Benefits.